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Our clinic is located in the Medical Tower of the CIMA Hospital. Hospital CIMA San José is a hospital in San José, Costa Rica. The hospital opened its doors in 2000 and was recognized as the best hospital in Costa Rica.


CIMA Hospital is a tertiary level acute care hospital. It has an installed capacity of 103 beds. The three-story facility includes a large outpatient medical department with a variety of advanced diagnostic and treatment services and modalities, inpatient medical services, a full emergency department with a trauma room, treatment stations, private exam rooms, and consultation, and a fully equipped state-of-the-art surgical department and recovery center.


Hospital CIMA San José is accredited by the Joint Commission International, a US-based agency that uses highly developed international standards for quality and patient safety. The hospital has an excellent reputation for providing high-quality medical care and adheres to both Costa Rica's medical privacy standards and US HIPAA.


The hospital is also known for its excellent patient experience, as well as quality and medical standards that meet or exceed its North American peers. CIMA Hospital offers medical care through an associated cadre of highly trained physicians, who undergo a rigorous accreditation process, covering 65 medical specialties and subspecialties, making it an attractive option for both local and international patients.

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